Discerning? Start Here.

Is God calling me to consecrated life — a life of intimacy with Him as a religious sister, nun, brother, monk, or priest? 

If you've been asking this question, you've come to the right place. Discernment may seem like a difficult, confusing process, but it doesn't have to be. Continue reading for some practical tips on discernment.

1. Cultivate Silence.

Silence is a crucial element of discernment. If there is no silence in your life, it will be very hard to hear what God is trying to say to your heart. 

In our culture that is constantly plugged in to music and media, silence can seem unnatural or unsettling. However, silence is essential for spiritual growth. 

Cultivate regular times of silence in your life. They don't have to be long — try ten minutes to start with. 

Find silence in Adoration in front of the Blessed Sacrament, praying in a church, in your room, or in nature. 

Having experiences of silence will quiet your mind and heart and allow you to hear God speak in your life. 

2. Show up for Mass. 

Worshipping God in community, hearing His word proclaimed, and receiving Him in the Eucharist are incredible graces that we receive in Mass. 

If you're discerning, attending Mass is key. Make it a priority to attend Sunday Mass. If your schedule allows it, consider attending Mass during the week as well. 

Encountering Christ on a regular basis in the Sacrament of Reconciliation is another source of grace that will help you in your discernment. 

3. Get to Know Our Lord.

It will be hard to know Christ's desires for your life if the two of you aren't good friends. Spend time with Him. 

Just as in a friendship or relationship we must put in time and effort to truly get to know the other person, in our relationship with Jesus, we have to put in the time to get to know Him. 

Spend time with Him every day. Start with ten or fifteen minutes. 

Find a quiet spot: a church, your room, your backyard. Pray the Rosary, read a passage of Scripture, or just talk to Him about what's going on in your life. 

It doesn't have to be a huge amount of time. The key is doing it every day, whether or not we feel like it. 

4. Call Your Mother.

Think the Rosary is a boring series of repetitive prayers to be gotten through as quickly as possible when your grandmother visits? Think again. 

If anyone is cheering you on in life more than your earthly mom, it's your heavenly Mother. Mary cares tenderly about your future and your relationship to her Son, and she is powerful with God. 

Ask for her help — she will respond. Pray the Rosary, either the entire thing or just a decade or two, every day. Ask for her intercession to help you in your discernment. 

5. Connect.

Reach out to others for help in your discernment process. 

Ask your parish priest if he would provide you with spiritual direction. 

Connect with others who are discerning (Abide is a good place to start).

Put the internet to good use. Here in Canada, consecrated men and women can be hard to find. If you don't know many consecrated people, check out the websites and Facebook pages of religious communities. Email them and ask them to pray for you. 

In the words of St. John Paul II, "Be not afraid!" God bless you as you discern His loving desires for your life. 

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